

The C.O.D.E Youth Program is an agency in Elizabeth; (Union County) New Jersey in collaboration with the City of Elizabeth, Department of Neighborhood Services that will provide services to youths. The C.O.D.E Youth advisory council are professionals; attorneys, law enforcement officers, media educational and religious leaders who are active in civic and community affairs within Union County.

The C.O.D.E Youth Program was created to offer an alternative solution for youth as an outlet that promotes “behavior modification” focusing on the enhancement of one’s self-esteem.  The Code Youth Program aims to promote the growth of its participants and deterring crime, fear, and social ills that plague the Elizabeth community.


Purpose of the Project:

The C.O.D.E Youth Program consists of a partnership between with the City of Elizabeth Police Department, Department of Health and Human Services, Office of Youth Services and Department of Recreation in accordance to Curfew Ordinance 2555.  This program will be an extensive Juvenile Crime Prevention Initiative.  The effectiveness of the C.O.D.E Youth Program involves the commitment of financial resources, and a cooperative agreement/working relationship between a number of public and private agencies.

The focus of a Curfew Ordinance should not be on the enforcement and arrest of juveniles, but rather a multi-discipline that will deter juvenile crime and victimization.  This multi-discipline approach includes family education, youth assessment and public assessment and public education.  In addition, an evaluation component is recommended if needed.  Parental responsibility can greatly assist in the effective enforcement of a juvenile Curfew Ordinance.  An effective Curfew Ordinance and multi-discipline plan may provide an effective measure for the community to reduce the opportunity for crime during restricted and non-restricted hours which could prove to be particularly valuable in dealing with recurring problems and may reduce youth crime and violence.


Curfew Hours & Ages:

Youths 18 years and younger between the hours of 10:00pm-6:00pm